Amidst the spectral glow of the digital ether, Within a labyrinth of screens, I tread, A modern Prometheus, torn asunder, Caught between the tactile world and pixel spread.

My heart, a pendulum, swings and sways, Between the call of now and the pull of then, A ceaseless struggle within my soul, Chasing echoes of a virtual pen.

Engrossment in activities, now elusive, Once gripping, now slipping from my grasp, For my senses, fractured and detached, Crave her electric words, the night’s soft rasp.

A flicker, a pulse, her name aglow, Upon the glass canvas, thoughts collide. A spark of hope, a digital tether, In an era where shadows and truths coincide.

Moonlight weaves spells, WiFi’s thread no different, Binding me to her unseen presence. Bold, I navigate, heart held captive, a willing prisoner, In this realm where yearning unfolds.

The tactile world extends its sweet invitation, Yet, ensnared I am by the virtual’s grasp. Emotions waltz, old and new in fusion; for her words, her cybernetic grace, I clasp.

Senses dulled, touch a distant memory, I wander like a specter, aimless, astray, Seeking connection beyond the glass, Counting seconds as night turns to day.

The lodestar of my existence ever bright, Her name on my phone, a guiding flame, Through this convoluted struggle, I traverse. Heaven and hell, entwined in love’s fierce game.

So I march on, akin to Prometheus’ fate, Haunted by a yearning that won’t be confined, In this tale of gothic pixels and passions, Seeking humanity in a realm of endless bind.


Oh Hello Haiku(s)

